Frame Patterns in Yuko 5 , chapter 4 (page 82)  - Thor May 2007

1. I wonder if ___________________

2. When I _______________________, we ______________________

3. If it had been ___________________________, we probably wouldn't have ________________

4. Korea is the only place where _________________________________

5. How long can we _________________________________

6. When you _______________________, don't ____________________________

7. When you _______________________, [DO] ____________________________

8. I've stayed in _______________ for _______________________

9. You've been here for _______________________________

10. You had better _________________________

11. ___________________ is more dangerous than ________________________

12. A mugger might ________________________ or _______________________

13. Stop that _________________________ !

14. That man is a _____________________________

15. Which one of them is ________________________ ?

16. _________________ on the right ______________________

17. I just did what ___________________________________

18. What are you __________________________ ?

19. She said ___________________________ and asked me to ___________________________

20. That's a very ____________________________________________

21. Your English has _____________________________________

22. I've learned ______________________________

23. If you _____________________, (then) it will _____________________________________

24. I really ______________________________________

25. I've been in _________________________________ for ___________________________


"Yuko5 - Frame Patterns - chapter 4 " copyrighted to Thor May 2007; all rights reserved