Topic  11.  18 November 2016 :  Why do I think like this?


1. How independent are you? (really?)

2.  How important are other opinions to you?

3.  Whose opinions influence you the most?

4.  Which media do you get information from?

5.  How do media controllers try to influence your opinions?

6.  Why do media controllers try to influence your opinions?

7. What is the best way for someone to change your mind?

8.  If you study a course, how reliable is the information?

9.  Do you usually trust your teachers or your textbooks more?

10.  How often do you try to change other people’s opinions?

11.  What opinions would you like to change in others?

12.  How do you change other people’s opinions?

13.  What do you think “manufacturing consent” means?

14.  What do you think “confirmation bias” means?


11. Why Do I Think Like This? ©Thor May 2016